Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 5 Tattoo Removal

Top 5 Tattoo Removal

While tattoo removal is usually the path those with fad tattoos take, you can always wait around another couple decades for the fad to hopefully come back. What may have seemed cool one year, is now considered cliché and unattractive. However, like all things in life, change is inevitable. Ying Yang symbols were popular in the 80s, barb wire around the bicep was popular in the 90s and in the 2000s a little butterfly on the small of the back seemed almost like a requirement for girls when they went to college.

Unfortunately, there have been a number of tattoo trends over the decades. You can also find a link to a site which reviews tattoo removal options including topical tattoo removal creams at the bottom of this article. Below is a list of the top five reasons why consumers choose to remove their tattoos. For example, a tattoo artist can create a spectacular piece of work depicting the devil, but if the person being tattooed changes their lifestyle and finds religion, they will probably not want a giant devil on their body anymore.

The good artists create tattoos that are the envy of all who seem them while bad artists create "art" that sometimes bares the question, "You didn't pay for that did you?" Additionally, as humans are a fickle species, consumers will often change their mind about what they want. However, like all forms of art, there are both good artists and bad artists. Tattooing is an art form.

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