Saturday, October 2, 2010

Star Tattoo Designs

Star Tattoo Designs
There Shooting star tattoos can be done anywhere on the body and can be made as large or as small as they need to be. Shooting star tattoos afford the wearer and the artist many, many options when it comes to the aesthetic elements of the design. Shooting stars and their subsequent trails can be modified or embellished to work well as either a lower back tattoo or a navel tattoo.

 Many women are drawn to shooting star tattoos for this reason as well. These trails may also wrap completely around the arm, the leg, or the torso one or multiple times. These extra stars may be of contrasting colors and can comprise as long of a trail as needed. Much like the way shooting stars appear in the sky, many tattoos of this nature include a trail of smaller stars. The occurrence of other such phenomena in space, including comets and meteor showers, serve to validate the significance of shooting stars as tattoos.

 Many ancient civilizations, including the Greek, the Roman, and the Egyptian empires, were obsessed with the universe, so it is only logical that this well-recognized element of astronomy would be translated into a viable tattoo design. Thus, it is not hard to believe that there is a growing trend of and demand for shooting star tattoos. This folklore becomes ingrained in our impressionable minds, and so, we take the belief that shooting stars will grant our wishes into the harsh reality of adulthood.  At a very young age, we are taught the significance of shooting stars.

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