Saturday, October 30, 2010

All About the Cross Tattoos

All About the Cross Tattoos
The Ankh St Francis is said to have used the Tau cross as his signature. It is a basic cross with lines crossing each in a T-like shape. The Tau Cross Also known as the Egyptians cross. It features design elements of knives or dagger, wrapped with barbed wire and red blood, all put together to produce a very disturbing and daring imagery.

The Gothic Cross Thought to have German origins and very popular with people of the Gothic movements. It features more ornate and complicated design elements of loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth and the interlacing of the knots expressing the repeated crossing of both physical and spiritual elements. Celtic Cross Another highly popular and common tattoo crosses. However, it represents a strong and personal belief for the wearer of the Christian faith.

It can be as simple as just two lines crossing each other. Christian or Latin Cross The most common of all the tattoo crosses. Despite its symbolism of various religions, tattoo drawings of crosses have been and remain much sought after designs ranging from the very simple to the very ornate. It was also used by various pagan religions to represent aspects of life.

Its history stretches back to the BC era when the Egyptians and Babylonians were at the height of their civilisations. We only know that its basic design has been found in artefacts, like carving, painting and pottery etc, of ancient cultures. Nobody knows exactly when and where tattoo drawings of crosses originated from.

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