Saturday, October 2, 2010

Samoan Tattoo 2010

Samoan Tattoo 2010
In saying that, I'm not referring to the soga'imiti (type of tatau done on men) More recently, it's a growing fad and for a good reason; the use of designs so unique and exceptionally exquisite shouldn't be confined to such use. Tribal Significance Samoan tribal tattoo, both traditionally and contemporary, allows the bearer to publicly display his or her Samoan heritage, and acts as a trademark of cultural pride. If these stats checks out, were looking at a 12% conversion rate which is a huge figure and can reflect the alluring temperament of the art. Recent survey showed that 1 in every 8 (new stream of viewers of Samoan tattoo design) visitors to Samoa will get inked before leaving the islands.

 Worldwide views on Samoan Tatau Google stats showed that Samoan tattoos receives a colossal 111,000 queries per month. The variations are endless as different artists incorporate their own stamp of style while the overall look is still consistent with the basic elements of the original designs. Tribal designs is a very broad category but arguably Samoan tattoo designs could well be a niche on its own given the complexity and nature of the tattoo patterns. Samoan Tattoo Niche The Samoan tattoo is a somewhat miniature niche compared to the attention the tribal tattoos are enjoying worldwide. Despite its popularity within the Polynesian group, the "tatau" as it is called, is not receiving the exposure it should.

  If you're looking for some Samoan tattoo designs online, I think you will agree with me that it is rather a challenging experience.

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